Unlock Your Executive
Team’s Full Potential

Want to supercharge your business?
Supercharge the person.

Get Started Today

The DEMAND on your executives has never been greater.

Sick More Often

63% more likely to take a sick day

Changing Jobs

2.6x more likely to quit their job

Burn Out Quicker

75% employees have experienced burnout

Losing Productivity

550 million work days lost every year

Enter the Power of Comprehensive Wellness

Entourage Health Core Values Illustration

Maximizing Performance and Prevention

Discover how our elite squad of experts can optimize the health and performance of your executive team through a year-long, comprehensive wellness program that encompasses personalized medical care, preventative screenings, diagnostics, nutrition, physical activity, and ongoing accountability.

The Business Case for Comprehensive Wellness

We surround and protect our clients by steering them towards health and away from the obstacles we find in their way. What happens next? You gain a purpose-driven employee, on fire for their family, energized for their company, and destined to leave a legacy impact on everything they touch.
Contact Us
Business Professionals meeting in a boardroom
Invest in the Newest Asset Class: Health

An executive wellness program is a valuable investment for any company looking to improve executive function, employee satisfaction, recruitment, retention, and ultimately, business success.

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“I feel healthier, happier, and more focused than ever before. This program is unlike anything I have ever done before. I have learned so much, and the accountability has kept me on track. I have reached goals that I didn't think I would ever be able to do while balancing a high stress leadership role in my company.

Chase H. - Dallas-Based Digital Marketing Executive
The Entourage Health Team
“The whole is greater than the sum of its parts.” -Aristotle
Meet Our Team
Photo of the Entourage Health Team

Common Questions

How do I get started?
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The best thing to do is to fill out the form on the Contact Us page.  Once submitted, someone on our team will reach out to you very soon!  Our program operates on a 12-month timeline which we can begin at any point throughout the year.
How does Entourage Health work with my health insurance provider?
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The simple answer is, we don't!  Thank goodness that we all have health insurance coverage when things go wrong.  But health insurance is reactive.  Entourage Health is proactive.  The types of testing and amount of time we spend with each client would not qualify for insurance reimbursement.  It's what sets us apart and gives us the freedom to tailor each and every treatment and recommendation to each client's needs.
Can I offer Entourage Health's services to all of my employees?
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We love your enthusiasm, but unfortunately, no.  The level of attention, care, and time that we provide our clients with is only for a select few.  Typically, we work with the top 3-7 people within a company that have the greatest impact on the company's performance.
Is Entourage Health a health benefit provider?
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Entourage Health is not a health benefit provider.  It is best to consider us an asset to company performance.  In the same way you may hire a business integrator, executive coach, or consultant in order to increase your company's performance, we also work to elevate company performance by addressing the individual health, performance, and prevention of each Entourage client.
Can I do the Entourage Health program virtually?
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Yes!  However, we do require that each participant in the Entourage Health program be seen in-person, in Dallas, at a minimum of once per calendar year.  All quarterly meetings, consultations, and check-ins can be conducted virtually with some or all of the other participants within the company.
Can I sign up for the program as an individual, or does it have to be a company?
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Due to the time commitment on our behalf during our quarterly meetings, we do not offer the Entourage Health program to single-member businesses or entrepreneurs at this time.  However, we would consider working with a small group of entrepreneurs or individuals at the same time if you know of others you think would be interested!
Can I sign my family up for Entourage Health?
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Yes! We would welcome the opportunity to work with a family, and would be happy to talk about how you can use your family's trust to pay for the Entourage Health program.
Is Entourage Health a replacement for my primary care physician?
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We are not a replacement for your primary care physician.
What makes Entourage Health different from other companies that offer executive health services?
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The current "gold-standard" in executive wellness is an annual physical and you leave with 30 pages of testing results but no real, actionable plan on how to correct the things that are out of range.

Entourage Health partners with our client's throughout the course of the year to provide them with a strategic, stair-stepped approach to not just normalizing your test results, but optimizing them. We conduct the initial testing, but also follow it up with additional testing halfway through the year to check in on how we are doing.  In addition, you will talk to each of our team members regularly to help keep you on track!
What kind of testing do you do?
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We conduct blood testing, urine testing, DNA testing, carotid artery scans, resting metabolic assessments, functional movement screenings, cardio-respiratory exercise testing, and EKG's.  Due to the nature of how we operate, there is no testing that is off-limits.  If we determine that you would benefit from food sensitivity testing, we do it!  If we determine you need an additional testosterone follow-up, we do it!  Testing costs are built into the cost of the program.
Does Entourage Health handle my prescriptions?
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We do assess your current medications and determine whether or not they are warranted.  We will also make other recommendations as needed, however, we do not manage your prescriptions for you.  Your primary care physician will continue to handle that on your behalf.
Does Entourage Health sell supplements?
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We love using supplementation to optimize lab work, energy, and performance, but we do not sell them.  We do help each client build a successful supplementation plan for themselves.  We will even purchase them, pack them in daily packs, and ship them to you at no cost!  We have built all supplement costs into the cost of the program.
Where are you located?
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We are based in Dallas, TX.  If you own a Dallas-based business, we come to you!  All testing and quarterly meetings take place in your office, boardroom, or location of choice.  If you own a business outside of the Dallas area, we are happy to provide you with a comfortable meeting place for testing and quarterly meetings should you wish to travel here to see us!  And remember, we can conduct these meetings virtually if needed!
What types of clients are you looking for?
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At Entourage Health, we want to work with clients who are not satisfied with the status-quo. We want to work with clients who are asking the right questions.  We want to work with clients that understand that their health is one of their assets.  We want to work with client's that are willing to fully buy-in and take our recommendations seriously. We want to work with business owners that want to be a hero to those that work for them.  We want to work with client's that are open-minded to try new things.  We want to work with client's who understand that their purpose in life goes far beyond just running a business. Lastly, we want to work with client's who understand that business is an opportunity for human flourishing.

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Start investing in the health of your Executive team today.

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